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The Collective is the place to connect and collaborate with peers who are all working toward a singular goal – to reimagine the working learner experience. You can leverage expert guidance and ready-to-use tools while engaging with a variety of individuals and groups. Search and explore topics that will guide you to helpful themes and related materials. You will find valuable presentations and resources that can be customized for your use. Then you can share your version to the Collective library. Start your transformation today!

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This resource overviews best practices for job description postings and provides some best practices while breaking down the most commonly used sections of a job description. This resource will be helpful for those responsible for writing job descriptions, revamping job posting processes at their institution, or needing support in how to ensure working learner job descriptions are written with intention and purpose.

This worksheet style resource outlines the definition of career readiness, core competencies and their importance, and allows students to consider ways they have/do demonstrate these skills and ways they can grow in demonstration of that skill with self reflecting prompts and questions which can be done individually or with their supervisor.

The University of Michigan Dearborn developed a Campus Student Employee Handbook to provide to new student employees when they are hired. This handbook is meant to inform student employees about their rights and responsibilities and offer considerations to gain and practice skills and build a robust student employment experience.

This is an example of a survey that is facilitated at The University of Michigan Dearborn. The team focused on student employment and student success initiatives leverage this as a way to understand and gather the feedback from students currently participating in student employment. The feedback, barriers and needs identified are prioritized in the ongoing work of their campus core team. Utilizing this survey method can be an easy way to begin engaging working learners in the co-design of student employment on your campus.

This is an example of a survey that is faciliatated at The University of Michigan Dearborn.  The team focused on student employment and student success initatives leverage this as a way to understand and gather the feedback of student employment supervisors across the institution.  The feedback, barriers and needs identified are prioritized in the ongoing work of their campus core team. Utilizing this survey method can be an easy way to begin engaging supervisors in the co-design of student employment on your campus.

This blog style resource outlines a variety of ways to showcase your Work+ Collective Goals and Accomplishments by leveraging what may already be occurring at your institution. With embedded images and links to resources, it will walk you through opportunities to utilize such as poster presentations, articles or write ups from news outlets or newsletters, end of year reporting or presenting, and websites and social media platforms.

This resource overviews the importance of equity in hiring processes for working learners and introduces hiring matrixes while providing guidance on implementation and use of hiring matrices into a supervisor’s hiring process.

We all know student employees play a crucial role in the functioning of a college campus, often serving in various capacities such as library assistants, research aides, or student ambassadors. Their contributions often go beyond their job descriptions; they enhance the campus experience for all students, faculty, and visitors. Recognizing their efforts and the efforts of those staff that supervise them, is vital to the ongoing success of student employment. Northern Arizona University has leveraged their yearly student employee and supervisor of the year awards to ensure acknowledgement of this hard work and dedication to their campus. Their campus has seen many benefits from this campus-wide recognition effort -  it fosters a sense of belonging and loyalty among student employees and their supervisors, encouraging them to remain engaged with their work and the campus community. NAU understands recognizing student employees sets a positive example for others, highlighting the value of their contributions and encouraging a culture of appreciation and respect.  NAU has shared a variety of resources that can inform the build out of your own campus awards, help you think through structure and how to successfully facilitate this effort.

For many college campuses, incorporating the student employment posting and application process into their current career management system allows for a more accessible and streamlined process for their students. Additionally, it comes with the added benefit of engaging students into this vital career platform much earlier in their college journey. The following presentation was created by the University of Illinois Chicago and was facilitated as an information session for their students. It serves as a great example of the kind of information, process and details you may want to share with your students in order to get prepared to find and apply for on-campus student employment roles.

This resource gives working learners an overview on what professional development is and ideas on what to do during their professional development time. This is not an extensive list, but a good place for working learners to start with.


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The Work+ Institute is helping rethink student employment. As part of The Collective, national partners share their inspiration, learnings and resources.

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