Northern Arizona University (NAU) is focused on their 100% career ready initiative. A large part of this effort focuses around the NACE Career Competencies and how the university engages students in the development of these skills through a variety of experiences across the institution. Since this framework serves as the foundation for this career readiness work, NAU has developed this informative presentation that they regularly facilitate to staff across the institution. The intended outcomes of this presentation are to educate the campus community about the NACE career competencies and support them in identifying how their experiences are already facilitating students' professional growth.
How to use this resource
Use this presentation and its content to inspire your own “roadshow” at your institution. Allowing you to build awareness and secure potential buy in for the value of career readiness being integrated into every student experience.
Wondering how to move forward - use these questions to begin gathering your thoughts:
How do you or how will you socialize these competencies across your institution?
How will you educate staff, faculty and students about these competencies?
Why is it important to infuse career readiness and competency building opportunities into the student experience?
What experiences are already happening at your institution that build students exposure and capacity in these competency areas? (ex. think student employment)
How will you support students to identify and articulate their experiences with each competency?
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